Introduction By Ralph Nader
of sight, out of mind,” is an adage that provokes most
photographers, yet only the finest photographers can focus our
attention on what we see every day but too often ignore. In Kike
Arnal's collection of ninety pictures of life in Washington, D.C.,
the most powerful capital city of the world, a tale of two cities
emerges with a haunting nuance that gives viewers pause for
rumination. The evocative photographers are those whose pictures
speak for themselves-a form of visual communication that transcends
native Venezuelan walked the streets of the Washington that few see
as well as the Washington that over twenty million tourists visit
every year. He watched and waited, listened and spoke, inhaled and
exhaled the city’s tragedies, ironies, glitter and ghastliness,
its pride and pomposity, its guilt and its shame. For in no other
metropolitan area in the Western world is there less excuse for the
poverty, misery, greed, deterioration of public services and
powerlessness of the people that grind over the pretensions of its
District of Columbia, is home to six universities, the Congress, the
Supreme Court, the buildings of the executive branch starting with
the White House, world-famous museums and theaters, sports arenas,
spacious hotels and convention centers, embassies of foreign
countries and swank offices filled with an ever-growing number of
lobbyists, lawyers, government contractors, consultants and public
relations firms. While the city is experiencing widespread
gentrification, it maintains its dubious status as having the highest
rate of low-income children in the United States (54%), the highest
child poverty rate and the highest AIDS mortality rate in the
country. The capital’s hospitals, medical schools and clinics
have co-existed with the lowest life expectancy of any of the fifty
states. Scores of countries have higher life expectancy levels than
what prevails in the District of Columbia.
these plights persist in spite of continual overall economic growth.
The federal government is spending ever-larger sums here, making the
greater D.C. metropolitan area the highest average income region in
the United States. Lots of very wealthy people thrive here among the
can this be? Start with the city’s disenfranchisement. Its
limited self-government can be overruled by Congress. Residents of
D.C. can vote for their president, but, unlike any other Western
capital, are denied voting rights and representatives in Congress. It
does not help that the budget-starved public libraries provide
woefully few literacy programs for the nearly 40 percent of adults
who are classified as “functionally illiterate.” The
black majority in the district may have equal civil rights now. But
the legacy of past slavery, modern racism and today’s grossly
discriminatory public services and schools in their “other
Washington” perpetuate a legacy of withdrawal and hopelessness
that manifests itself in alcohol, drugs and urban violence.
white Washingtonians were not born in Washington. Many come and go
with the changes in the political seasons, or stay and work in the
federal Washington. They do not experience much of the local
Washington, such as Ward 6 in Southwest Washington, where police
advise residents to walk in groups to the retail outlets. Or Ward 8,
whose over 70,000 residents only recently celebrated the opening of
the only (subsidized) supermarket.
occupy most of the local elected seats while whites dominate the
economic arena. Which means that Washington, D.C., is still a
white-dominated city where most of the campaign contributions
emanate. The powerful “industries” in Washington are the
developers, the real estate firms and the law, banking, and insurance
firms that service them.
the end of 2008, Washington Post columnist Colbert I. King wrote a
column titled “A Hope for 2009: Overcoming D.C.’s State
of Denial.” King has a sharp pen. He demands that: “leaders
address the real problems that threaten the quality of life in our
city: the erosion of public safety, an apathetic and complacent city
workforce, and D.C. Council members who fail to realize they are
getting duped by the $10 billion municipal enterprise that voters
hired them to oversee.”
after week the newspapers report cases of dysfunction, corruption,
indifference and harmful delays in the municipal government. They
report less the valiant efforts of local citizen groups striving to
slow the erosion of municipal functions and services. They almost
never report why so many of the wealthy and powerful classes rarely
come close to even a state of noblesse oblige for their adopted
metropolis. Foreign observers of the way our nation’s capital
is run, and run into the ground, come away with disbelief punctuated
by puzzlement at the vast resources and their unused capacity here. A
few blocks from the White House are the headquarters of the World
Bank and the International Monetary Fund, whose pronouncements
describe other countries as underdeveloped.
are truly many tales of two cities in Washington, D.C. There are the
two cities of wealth and poverty. By and large, Northeast, Southeast
and Southwest Washington cry out for repairs, for affordable housing,
for public protection, for health and retail services. The other
city, Northwest Washington—the part frequented by tourists—has
the private schools and clubs, the gallerias and theaters, the
well-kept homes and grounds befitting the affluent and upper-middle
professional and business classes.
two Washingtons live apart—still an all-too-prevalent de facto
segregation. The city’s professional basketball, baseball and
football teams feature mostly black players and white spectators able
to afford the big-bite tickets, parking and food. The affluent have
their own specialized libraries and personal bookshelves, while the
poor are given twenty-six underfunded branch libraries barely in
minimal repair and bereft of acquisitions. The big tax money in
recent years went to building a more than $611 million baseball
stadium for the privately owned, chronically losing Washington
Nationals team.
well-off and the poor do share some common experiences: potholes,
constant sirens, unreturned calls to municipal government officials,
expensive housing and gridlock traffic. The difference is that the
former have the means to mitigate, endure, avoid or override. There
lies the rub. Those who can make change are not part of the daily
risks and desperation: so they do not have to be part of the
solution. A Washington Post expose of a multi-year scandal of lead in
the public drinking water struck fear among the poor, especially
young mothers. The well-to-do can afford bottled water delivered to
their homes.
the people of the District of Columbia would deserve a Nobel Prize
for “civic motivation” if that category existed. The two
or three thousand regularly active citizens suffer burnout and
despair. Many stay the course because of their lasting high
expectation levels and self-respect. They know and feel the capacity
in this community for a far better, more equitable and creative life
for its citizens. They often sustain each other with versions of the
belief that if you can’t turn around Washington, with all its
resources and know-how, how can any less endowed city be turned
around in our country?
they may be mistaken. Washington, with all its assets, has unique
liabilities. In George Washington’s day, its very creation was,
in part, a reaction to the hatred of the Southern states toward the
temporary capital, Philadelphia, and its abolitionist Quakers. Built
from nothing and starting as a private enterprise in the 1790s from
an expanse of marshy bottomlands (on the Potomac River to satisfy
influential Virginia), it was not until 1796 that Congress passed a
loan bill. The absence of sufficient investors meant the emerging
city could not attract enough laborers, which meant that the capital,
in the words of one historian, became “at least in part, a
slave labor camp.” In 1791, the population counted 720
inhabitants in the Washington City section of the District, of whom
591 were slaves who built the Capitol building and the White House!
the way to the 1950s, Washington was a segregated city, often called
the South’s northernmost metropolis. The fallout from the
abolition of legal segregation was residual racialism, de facto
segregation, and the continued mindset of subjugation that remained
among the downtrodden. But over nearly two centuries black family
life endured in Washington’s segregated but sociable
latter half of the twentieth century brought forth forces of social
and familial disintegration that overwhelmed the new forces of
integration made possible by the civil rights movement. The drug
wars, the public underinvestment, and the exodus of upwardly mobile
blacks (the backbone and sustainers of neighborhoods) to the suburbs
all played their multiplying part, among many other little-understood
economic, political and environmental factors. The cruel results for
the children have been reduced to statistics. The great majority of
homes are not two-parent homes.
1968, Philip and Leni Stern produced a book of photographs on
Washington, D.C., based on page after contrasting page of savage,
myth-busting irony illustrating the two Washingtons. It was titled: O
Say Can You See by Dawn’s Urban Blight. One of its
point-counter points read as follows:
Hospital is one of the finest in the country. It might not be open
next time you visit Washington. Because it treats all charity
patients who come to it for help, it has been on the brink of
financial collapse. Congress was asked to come to the rescue with
$110,000. Congress said no. [picture of a nurse with two children] On
the other hand (to give Congress its due), it did vote $10 million to
give Washington … an aquarium.” [picture of the
kind of overt contrasting photography is not Kike Arnal’s
style. His way is more than artistic choice, though his photos are
taken with an exceptional artist’s eye. His photos, standing
alone or connecting to one another without words, make you wonder,
and ponder. One can allow them to enter into one’s thoughts and
values. Perhaps they may incite you toward a new level of engagement.
For the human condition portrayed in this volume is, to be sure,
Washington, D.C.-based, but it is also part of the grand tradition of
photographers worldwide who have recorded the inhumanity of the few
toward the many through this form of indelible visual communication.
Center for the Study of Responsive Law is pleased to be able to
sponsor Mr. Arnal’s opening of another window onto the nation’s
capital for all to see here and abroad—a window through which
we are witness to a reality that the city’s ruling pretenders
would rather have us not know.